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Regular Meetings
We are called a "New Testament Church" as we try to emulate the structure and meetings of the early church as presented in the New Testament scriptures. We are an independent, local church and our meetings are simple and practical.

Breaking of Bread

Sundays @ 10:30-11:45am


On Sunday morning we come together to remember, worship, and thank our Lord Jesus Christ in song and prayer. The bread and wine are shared among those in fellowship; they symbolize the body and poured out blood of the Lord Jesus. We share them as commanded by Jesus himself at the Last Supper (Luke 22:17-19). It brings peace and joy to our hearts to set everything aside and focus on Jesus every Sunday morning.

Bible Classes (Resuming in Sept.)

Sundays @ 12:45-1:30


During Sunday school, we have a mixed group of adults going through a very helpful and informative book entitled "Basic Christian Training". Topics discussed include basic Christian doctrine regarding salvation and Jesus, baptism, the "church", overcoming temptation, and much more. This class can be a real blessing for you, whether you're an experienced Christian or someone just learning about the faith.

Gospel Meeting

Sundays @ 7:00-8:00pm


A sermon style meeting held especially for people who want to learn more. Come learn about the gospel of Jesus Christ: what it is, who it's for, and why it's the most important message you will ever hear. Only Jesus and the gospel have the power to change your life and your eternal destiny forever.

Prayer + Bible Study/Ministry

Tuesdays @ 7:00-8:15pm


Prayer every week with group Bible study and ministry (teaching from the Bible) on alternating weeks. God is more than willing to hear and answer our prayers and to speak to us through his living Word, the Bible.

Sunday School
Children hold a special place in the heart of God.

Jesus himself said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”

- Matthew 19:14


Today's media culture is sending confusing and harmful messages to your children. Harmful messages about sex, relationships, alcohol, and all aspects of life are being promoted on the internet, TV, and radio. Sadly, many children are being misled and corrupted by these messages every single day. As the world drifts farther and farther away from God, morality will continue to be "redefined" for the worse.


By teaching our children the truth of God's Word and their need of salvation, they can begin a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ at a young age. In Christ, they can enjoy peace with God, the promise of eternal life, and be preserved from the spiritual corruption of the world. Benefits and activities of Sunday school include:


  • Small group Bible lessons and discussions

  • Various activities and games

  • Singing worship songs

  • A friendly, caring atmosphere for your children to learn and grow

  • An opportunity to socialize and make friends in a respectful and worshipful environment


Sunday school runs from 12:30-1:30pm. During the school year, children are separated into classes following the group singing. During the summer, we all remain together in the main hall for singing, a Bible lesson, and a quiz.

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